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Part Number: 7600

Subaru Crankshaft Pulley Holder

Price $ 52.1593

  • 4-point design for easy removal and installation of crankshaft pulley
  • Comfort Grip Handle
  • Applications include:
    • Subaru Forester (2011 & Up)
    • WRX (2014 & Up)
    • Impreza (2013 & Up)
    • Impreza XV 2.0 (2012 & Up)
    • Tribeca 3.6 (2008-2012)

Basic Instructions:


  1. Remove the engine drive belt.
  2. Use the Crankshaft Pulley Holder, to prevent the crankshaft from rotating while loosening the crankshaft balancer bolt. 
  3. Remove the crankshaft balancer bolt. Discard the bolt.
  4. Remove the crankshaft balancer.


  1. Install the crankshaft balancer.
  2. Install a NEW crankshaft balancer bolt.
  3. Use the Crankshaft Pulley Holder to prevent the crankshaft from rotating while tightening the crankshaft balancer bolt. Tighten the bolt to Manufacturer recommended ft. lbs. 
  4. Install the engine drive belt.


Price $52.1593